The NCTWS recognizes and honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of wildlife conservation in the broadest sense.
Each year at the annual meeting, several awards are presented to deserving individuals. A description of the awards with guidelines for eligibility is provided in the attached document. Nominations for awards to be presented at the annual meeting must be received by the Awards Committee Chairman no later than December 2, 2022. All chapter members are encouraged to consider and nominate deserving candidates for these awards. Previously unselected nominees can be re-submitted. Nominations are kept active for two years after the year in which a nomination is made. The only way to recognize individuals is to nominate them. Contact Dr. Chris DePerno, Committee Chair (NCSU, Turner House, Box 7646, Raleigh, NC 27695, 919-513-7559, chris_deperno@ncsu.edu) if you have questions, need additional information, or to submit a nomination.
This award is presented to a chapter member for individual effort and contributions to wildlife conservation through The Wildlife Society. Service to the Society and Chapter is strongly considered, along with professional achievement. The award includes a certificate or plaque and a copy of the commendation read during the awards ceremony. Presentation to the recipient is typically made at the annual meeting of the Chapter.
This award is presented to individuals or groups within North Carolina who deserve recognition for achievement in wildlife conservation, education, research or related endeavors. There is no requirement for Society or Chapter membership. The recognition is for accomplishments widely recognized and publicized. The award includes a certificate or plaque and a copy of the commendation read at the awards ceremony. The award is presented to the recipient or organization at a time and location that is meaningful to the recipient and to the Chapter in terms of future interaction with others who work for the betterment of wildlife conservation.
The Ken Wilson Memorial Award is presented annually to a student or students, nominated by the wildlife faculty of the various schools within the State having wildlife programs (Haywood Community College, NC State University, University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Western Carolina University) and selected by the Awards Committee. Awards are presented for academics, contributions to research, work projects that contribute to State wildlife conservation efforts, involvement with the student chapter of The Wildlife Society, and other accomplishments that the Chapter deems worthy of recognition. Recipients receive a cash award, a plaque, a copy of the Sand County Almanac, and a copy of the commendation signed by the Chapter President.
For additional information about the NCTWS Awards Committee, click here.